로씨야 핀란드와 스웨리예의 나토가입에 대응할 의지 표명

뿌찐대통령 언론인과 회견 (크레믈리사진 공정리용)

(모스크바 3월 15일발 조선중앙통신)

로씨야대통령 울라지미르 뿌찐이 13일 대중보도수단들과의 회견에서 핀란드와 스웨리예의 나토가입과 관련하여 이 나라들과의 국경부근에 병력과 공격무기들을 전개할것이라고 밝혔다.

그는 이 나라들의 나토가입결정이 순수 정치적판단에 기초한것이라고 하면서 핀란드와 스웨리예는 나토성원국이 되여 일종의 《우산》밑에 들기를 애원하였다고 말하였다.

이것은 두 나라의 국가적리익보장의 견지에서 볼 때 완전히 무분별한 조치라고 그는 비난하였다.

7일 스웨리예는 정식 32번째 나토성원국으로 되였으며 핀란드는 지난해 나토에 가입하였다.

Interview to Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry Kiselev: And the new NATO members, Finland and Sweden, in general, what did they trade for what? Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström suddenly told the Turks that Sweden was against NATO bases on the Swedish territory. Didn't they realise what they had joined? What happened to them?

Vladimir Putin: You have to ask them, I don't know. We had quite good relations, stable relations with those countries, and I think that they benefited more from the fact that they adhered to neutrality, because it gave certain advantages, at least as a negotiating platform to reduce tension in Europe.

We had a perfect relationship with Finland, just perfect. We didn't have a single claim against each other, much less a territorial one, I am not talking about other areas. We didn't even have any troops there; we had removed everything from the Russian-Finnish border. Why did they do that? For purely political reasons, I think. I guess they really wanted to be a member of a Western club, under some kind of "umbrella." Why did they do that, I frankly don't understand. This is a totally senseless step in terms of safeguarding their own national interests. However, it's up to them to decide, and they made that decision.

We didn't have any troops there, now we will. There were no weapon systems, now there will be. Why? We had very good economic relations. They used our market, we bought a lot from them. What's wrong with that? Now the situation will change. Many of their goods are not really needed in other markets, and they're missing out on our goods. I don't understand it.

🔎 원문: 조선중앙통신
🔎 원본: 크레믈리 (24매)
🔎 참고: 《조선은 지금》

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